Accelleron provides, as add-on to the  Cloud Workspace a web service that is useful if users don't have an active internet connection, but the ability to send e-mails with attachments. 

If users send *.tpr Readings as attachments to and the service is enabled for the related Installations, the following actions/responses are generated by the service.

Trigger activity

Server response


What to do

User sends at least one Reading that does not yet exist in the Workspace

Success message

Reading imported in the Workspace


At least one of the sent reading belongs to an Installation which is not setup for the service

Message: Not mapped to any Workspace

Reading is ignored

Contact to check the configuration if you believe that the service is included in your subscription

User sends at least one Reading that already exists in the Workspace

Message: Reading already exists. *.tpi file is included in the server response

Reading is not imported

Follow message instructions to proceed with overwrite

User sends message without any Reading in the attachment

Could not detect any Reading(s) in the message


Check attachments

General issues

Possible cause


What to do

Server does not respond

If big number of attachments is included in the message

Process will run normally but take some time

Be patient

Server does not respond

Messages from the server are blocked by your e-mail system

All Readings without conflicts are imported regularly. Since conflicts are not handled by the user (lack of the server response), conflicts result in "keep existing"

Add to your address book. 

Check the junk mail folder and mark as "Not junk".

If there is a specific code to be embedded in the subject line for sending to you, please already include this code in the subject of the initial message

The server may respond with the same number and size of attachments as sent. Make sure that this does not exceed the message size for receiving messages

Server does not respond

Message was sent to wrong address


Use the correct address: