What is Tekomar XPERT (XPERT)

XPERT is the software that instantly evaluates the performance of engines by comparing the actual ISO corrected measurement with the reference data (shop trial) at any load point.

XPERT quantifies:

Deviation from reference and consequentially potential fuel oil savings 

Required adjustments achieve the savings without compromising on reliability

XPERT allows to compare engine condition:


To another engine's condition in the company

XPERT stores all engine performance data in one place


Software is installed, activated and configured on your computer. Please check with vessel IT should this not be the case and/or refer to

Your software is activated -> all functions available

Your installation with all equipment i.e. engine(s) appear in software 

Workspace is set according your companies guideline

Default e-mail address for export is set (cloud.xpert@tekomar.com in case of cloud workspace)

XPERT replaces all previously used sheets for engine performance data such as Excel sheets.

The DPI (TCM-S, Premet, Baewert, etc.) and its software is only used to measure cylinder pressure and export the cylinder pressure curves which then will be imported and analyzed in XPERT

All sensors are in good working order and calibrated

1. Establish performance run condition

The basis of a good performance evaluation is the proper data recording on the engine. The following principles help you to get the best results:

Start reading only after 20 min when stable load condition is reached

To collect all required information, print the input form

2. Take a reading 

Reading tab > select ship and equipment > Reading > New…

Reading form is structured as commonly known from makers and tailored to equipment

Import data from third party devices (see 3)

All yellow fields must be filled.

Dark yellow fields are minimum required for calculations and corrections.

Do not enter Engine power effective as it is automatically filled and get more accurate with more data put in.

Calculations and references and traffic lights appear the moment all respective data are available. 

3. Import data into reading

Reading window (form) > Import… select your third-party devise you import data from

XPERT allows to import data from all major DPI makers as well as from other third party data providers

Ensure cylinder pressure measurement are done simultaneously to other performance measurements

Ensure performance run conditions

Check correct adjustment of TDC or Auto adjust TDC in XPERT

Apply data to Reading

NOTE: DPI is only used for cylinder pressure all other data to be entered directly to XPERT software.

4. Analyse the reading

Reading form > select respective chart

XPERT has all commonly known charts included. They are however reflecting exact tuning and cover a load range from 10-100%

Performance curves to compare actual performance with shop trial performance (ISO corrected)

Pressure curves to analyze combustion

Trends to see history of deviation of selected and normalized performance relevant parameters (Evaluation tab)

5. Evaluate the reading

Evaluation tab > select ship and equipment and respective reading(s) > Evaluate

The “evaluation” comments deviations from reference and recommends actions to be taken.

Respective potential fuel oil savings are indicated

Only possible causes are listed

Normalized data allow comparison of performance data from different loads

Savings potential is quantified and can be achieved by following the recommended actions.

Performance curves can be drawn for multiple readings

Trends can be shown to see development of normalized parameters. 

6. Follow advises

Evaluation tab > select ship and equipment and respective reading(s) > Evaluate

The evaluation gives recommendations and proposes actions to achieve savings

Follow the advises and improve performance of the engine(s) accordingly.

If, due to various reasons, you are not able to follow advises it must be noted in the comments field of the reading. Indicating the reason for not following the advises

Repeat the performance run after you rectified the indicated adjustments / maintenance.

Use 2nd reading with improved performance to send to office. (see 7)

7. Send the reading to office

Reading tab > select reading > export…

Readings from optimized engine must be shared with office.

Send by e-mail to default e-mail address

NOTE: In case you use cloud workspace the attached file (.tpr) which is max some 50kB will be uploaded to your fleet workspace automatically and be visible for office. You will be notified automatically about result of upload.

Do not send pdf reports. The .tpr-file which is automatically attached to the mail is sufficient.

Getting help

The help system can be started directly from the application. Any question-mark ? icon is click able and will either guide the user to the corresponding chapter in the documentation or display additional ? icons for more detail help. For further questions related to the application, installation problems, trouble shooting, or suggestions on how to improve the product, please contact:

Turbo Systems Switzerland Ltd., Archstrasse 12, CH-8400 Winterthur, Switzerland

E-mail:        CH-support.tekomar@accelleron-industries.com

Discuss possible performance issues, which cannot be solved directly on site, with your technical manager.